Penny Stocks

When Are Cheap Investments the Best Investments?

A couple of years ago we wrote to beware of penny stocks. The point being that cheap investments are not necessarily good investments. After all, there is probably a good reason why a stock is selling for a low price. On the other hand, companies that are just starting out and are not being watched by Wall Street analysts may be very promising but no one is watching. The bottom line for stock value (as opposed to price) is intrinsic stock value. When you have unique insights about the stock in question and the big guys are not watching, you […]

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Large, Medium, or Small Cap Investments

This has been a historic stock market rally. And, all bull markets correct or crash in the end. With this bit of truth in mind we have been writing about how to deal with your investments before there are substantial corrections or even crashes of the stock and real estate markets. A good choice is to switch your investment focus from growth to value.
The unique financial conditions of the last several years have been ideal for high tech growth stocks, the FANG group especially. But, now that conditions are changing, growth stocks are overpriced and at risk for a major […]

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Why Buy Penny Stocks?

Penny stocks are cheap but are they good investments? Why buy penny stocks? For that matter what is a penny stock? According to Investopedia:
A penny stock typically trades at a relatively low price and has a small market capitalization, usually outside of the major market exchanges. These stocks are generally considered highly speculative and high risk because of their lack of liquidity, large bid-ask spreads, small capitalization and limited following and disclosure. They often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.
So, why buy penny stocks? Most penny stocks deserve their low price but there are diamonds in […]

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Do Penny Stocks Work?

Every so often stock analysts offer a list of penny stocks. Our question is do penny stocks work in general and do penny stocks work for your stock portfolio? Let’s start with an article from Money Morning, How to Find Good Penny Stocks to Buy Today.
The key to how to find good penny stocks to buy today is knowing what you are buying and if it fits your needs.
The first thing you want to do as a penny stock investor is figure out how much money you have to work with. Basically, don’t invest anything you can’t afford to lose.
We […]

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What to Look for When Picking Penny Stocks

Penny stocks can be attractive because they are in fact cheap. But what do you look for when picking penny stocks and how do you profit instead of losing your investment? History provides some insight. First, Investopedia defines penny stock.
A penny stock is a stock that trades at a relatively low price and market capitalization, usually outside of the major market exchanges. The term itself is a misnomer because there is no generally accepted definition of a penny stock. Some consider it to be any stock that trades for pennies or those that trade for under $5, while others consider […]

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Beware of Penny Stocks

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Several years ago we wrote about how to invest in penny stocks. The common rationale for investing in penny stocks is that they are cheap. It is the mistaken belief of naive […]

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Post Bernanke Federal Reserve

Ben Shalom Bernanke is approaching the end of his second term as chairman of the United States Federal Reserve. He is leaving when his term expires in 2014. Bernanke established himself as a foremost expert on the causes of the Great Depression and was an excellent person to have at the helm of the Fed […]

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Profitable Asset Management

Long term management of assets is more than learning fundamental analysis of stocks, diversification of a stock portfolio, and choosing high paying dividend stocks. Profitable asset management involves choosing between investments in real estate, offshore investments, growth markets at home and abroad, stable consumer products companies, and interest bearing investments. Profitable asset management often has […]

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Investing and Immigration Reform

A bipartisan group of US senators as well as a group from the House of Representatives have come up with comprehensive plans to deal with US immigration issues. The fact that everyone seems to be looking at creating a comprehensive solution has business leaders excited and supportive. There are at least eleven million illegal immigrants […]

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How to Invest in Penny Stocks

For the beginning investor with a small amount of capital penny stocks can seem attractive. They wonder how to invest in penny stocks. Before looking at how to invest in penny stocks let’s see what we are talking about. These are stocks that typically sell for less than $5 a share ($1 by some definitions) […]

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