Mutual Funds

Investing in Stocks

The reason for investing in stocks is to attain financial security. While some people may make a spectacular investment decision by chance, the vast majority who succeed at investing in stocks save their money and invest over a long period of time. Success in investing starts with defining your goals. What do you want to get out of investing? Make a list with the most important goals like having enough money for retirement, putting your children through college, or saving up to start your own business at the top of the list. Then consider how many years are left for […]

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Volatility Makes Closed End Funds Cheaper

Successful long term investors make money because they do two things. They pick investments that are likely to provide a healthy return and they wait to buy until that investment is selling at a discount to its long term value. This is the concept of intrinsic value that we have so often discussed. An investment that may be attractive today is a closed end fund because the volatile market is making many closed end funds cheaper.
What Is a Closed End Fund?
Investopedia explains closed end funds.
A closed-end fund is organized as a publicly traded investment company by the Securities and Exchange […]

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When Is Stock Picking Likely to Be Successful?

The Wall Street Journal recently discussed The Dying Business of Picking Stocks and how passive investing in index funds has become common. Despite this trend there are folks who make a lot of money on specific stocks. When is stock picking likely to be successful and when should you stick with an index fund?
Pension funds, endowments, 401(k) retirement plans and retail investors are flooding into passive investment funds, which run on autopilot by tracking an index. Stock pickers, archetypes of 20th century Wall Street, are being pushed to the margins.
Over the three years ended Aug. 31, investors added nearly $1.3 […]

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Investing and Immigration Reform

A bipartisan group of US senators as well as a group from the House of Representatives have come up with comprehensive plans to deal with US immigration issues. The fact that everyone seems to be looking at creating a comprehensive solution has business leaders excited and supportive. There are at least eleven million illegal immigrants […]

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What is a Good Investment?

A common question is, “What is a good investment?”. The question is often asked in the sense that the questioner is looking for a “stock tip” or other “insider” information that will lead to quick and sure profits. What is a good investment is any investment that, in retrospect, makes money. What is a good […]

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Stocks vs. Mutual Funds

Some may think the idea of comparing stocks to mutual funds a little odd, since mutual funds are commonly made up of stocks, bonds, or some combination of both; it is necessary to compare the two when it comes to choosing which is best for your financial future. Below we will discuss some of the […]

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Why Invest In Mutual Funds?

If you’ve looked into investing in the stock market before, then you should also be familiar with mutual funds. These next few paragraphs are going to be very informative about your future investing, so please take the time to read and learn from these tips. Mutual funds are a more conservative form of investing in […]

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Mutual Funds – Advantages and Disadvantages

Mutual funds are companies that pool money from many investors and invest the money in stocks, bonds, short-term money-market instruments, into other assets or securities, or a combination of each of these investments. They have a fund manager who is responsible for investing the pooled money into specific securities, and they provide the ability for […]

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No Load Mutual Funds

What are No Load Mutual Funds? InsiderFinance: Level the Playing Field In order to understand what it means to invest in no load mutual funds, you must first understand what it means to invest in loaded mutual funds.  Loaded mutual funds are funds that carry a sales load which is commission paid to investment brokers […]

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