
Bank Stock Analysis

Bank stock analysis with both technical and fundamental analysis will be critical in sorting out profitable investments in large US banks. The recent news about a possible huge law suit against several major banks sent bank stocks tumbling across the board. The fundamentals lie in the risk to bank solvency from the huge numbers of mortgage defaults that have happened and continue to happen across the USA. It turns out that Bank of America – BAC, JPMorgan Chase – JPM, and others sold many mortgages to the government-backed mortgage lenders, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Now we hear in the news […]

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How to Choose an Investment Advisor

It is one thing to invest your first $10,000 and another to successfully invest and manage more substantial amounts of money. First of all, when you first start out investing it is often more important to get you financial house in order than pick the right stocks! But, now what do you do with an inheritance of a quarter of a million or more. Or what if you have sold a successful business for tens of millions of dollars? At this point you are thinking that you need some sound advice about how to invest your money. This brings us […]

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Three Safe Ways to Start Investing with Small Amounts of Money

You are not an investor yet but you would like to start. You are probably young and do not have a lot of money. But you are watching the stock market go up and up and would like to stake your claim to part of the American dream. How do you start out investing and how do you avoid losing your money right away? We suggest three safe ways to start investing with small amounts of money. You do not necessarily need to start out investing in the stock market! However, that is where you probably want to put your […]

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How Can You Invest in Foreign Companies?

There are several good reasons to make investments outside of the USA. If the USA gets involved in a trade war you might want to have assets in other nations. And, of course, the US stock market has had a great run but is well past over-priced and already starting to correct. The old saying is that there is always a bull market somewhere and investing offshore is one way to make sure that you do not miss out.
An excellent idea and the first of our three reasons to diversify your investments offshore is to avoid having all your investment […]

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Are There Too Many High Tech Stocks in the S&P 500?

Last year we asked if you were an active or passive investor. As the stock market approaches or perhaps has reached a turning point is there a problem with passive investing in index funds that track the S&P 500?
As the stock market rally grows older the time will come when the high tech and large cap stocks that are leading will have problems. Then passive investors who simply put money in a fund that tracks the S&P 500 will be in trouble.
Solid fundamental analysis will tell today’s investor to diversify his or her portfolio and look for investments like consumer […]

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Is It Time to Sell GM?

GM was the biggest corporation in the world back in its heyday. And then, decades later, it went into bankruptcy during the first days of the Great Recession. GM is back on its feet but what is its future? We asked is GM a good investment in an article 7 years ago.
Despite expectations of an opening stock price for the GM IPO of $33 the stock opened at nearly $35.50. The question, “is GM a good investment,” seemed to be answered with a resounding, “yes.” The stock rose to nearly $36 within minutes until profit taking took the new General […]

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What Does Arming Ukraine Do to Investment in Russia?

The situation in Ukraine continues to worsen. Now the USA wants to send advanced defensive weaponry to Ukraine to counter state of the art Russian armor being used by Russian soldiers posing as Ukrainian separatists. USA today reports that German Chancellor Merkel, on her visit to Washington, believes that if the West arms Ukraine that […]

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When Will Oil Stocks Recover?

A brief rise in oil prices was aborted when the American Petroleum Institute reported that stocks of oil in the USA rose by six million barrels last week. Reuters reports how a brief oil rally was cut short. Brent crude oil fell by almost $2 on Wednesday after a new build in U.S. crude stock […]

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Swiss Franc Investment Fallout

If you are a European homeowner, especially in Eastern Europe, who has a mortgage denominated in Swiss francs you are up the proverbial creek without a paddle! The BBC reports that 37% of all mortgages in Poland are denominated in francs and the franc just went up in value by more than twenty percent against […]

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Investment in Panama

As the Panama Canal expansion progresses we revisit offshore investment ideas that we published in 2012.  In that article we noted that: Profit with Actionable Stock News, Trading Signals and Intelligent Chatrooms The Panama Canal Expansion will soon funnel much more trade through the old Panama Canal. The country never had a recession after 2008. […]

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