Forex Trading
What Should Bitcoin Be Worth?
The cryptocurrency feeding frenzy continues as you can now trade bitcoin futures. So much has been written about how bitcoin trading is like the tulip bulb frenzy in Holland centuries ago. But those who believe in bitcoin believe that the cryptocurrency will eventually replace currencies like the dollar, euro and yen. If you are interested in making money in cryptocurrencies or their futures contracts you need to have a basis on which to make your decisions. The question is what should bitcoin be worth? Investopedia poses the question, why do bitcoins have value.
Currency also provides a universal measurement for accounting […]
What Are the Unique Risks Associated with Foreign Investments?
In our last two articles we asked why aren’t you investing offshore and wondered about a coming European economic boom. But if you are thinking of putting your money to work outside of the USA, what are the unique risks associated with foreign investments and how can you avoid them? Investopedia writes about the three biggest risks that international investors face. These are transaction costs, currency risks and liquidity risks.
The Cost of Investing Offshore
Likely the biggest barriers to investing in international markets are the transaction costs. Although we live in a relatively globalized and connected world, transactions costs can still […]
Why Buy Emerging Market Stocks?
When the market falls the weakest stocks from emerging markets take the worst hit. And when the market recovers these same stocks are often the most impressive performers. Why buy emerging market stocks? Buy them to diversify your portfolio, to pick up cheap investments when currency exchange rates are favorable and buy them to take advantage of economies in their early stages of growth. This may in fact be a reasonable time to buy emerging market stocks. Bloomberg notes that emerging market stocks are advancing with an 11 year low in volatility.
Emerging-market stocks rose toward the highest level since China’s […]
Will Stocks or the Dollar Crash Next?
The dollar´s dramatic rise is over. So appears to be the U.S. post Great Recession stock market surge. The question is will stocks or the U.S. dollar crash next? Bloomberg Business reports what they call the real story behind the U.S. dollar‘s decline.
One of foreign exchange traders’ favorite rules of thumb hasn’t been working too well.
Currency pairs tend to loosely track the difference between yields on the two nations’ short-term sovereign bonds, often the two-year maturity. But that axiom would’ve impoverished anyone trading the Japanese yen against the U.S. dollar this year.
The world’s reserve currency is being driven not by […]
What Will $28 Trillion More Debt Do to China’s Economy?
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China has replaced the USA as the focus of too much debt compared to its gross domestic product. In the last five years Chinese debt levels have accelerated as its economy has […]
Is the South Korean Won a Good Surrogate for Betting Against China?
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As the Chinese stock market takes its pratfalls many investors wish they could trade Chinese stocks in that market. Some would wait for the market to bottom out in order to buy […]
Learn from Other Traders
To be successful in stock or Forex trading you need to know things and you need specific skills. An effective way to obtain these in Forex and stock trading is to learn from other traders. You may be a complete novice at stock trading or you may have years of experience in Forex trading. In […]
Currency Exchange Rates and Investing Offshore
There is a definite profitable advantage to be had when seeking favorable currency exchange rates and investing offshore. This applies to specific offshore investment ideas such as vacation rental property and stocks and to foreign direct investment on a larger scale. Using Colombia and the current state of the Colombian peso as an example we […]
Cell Phone Tower Site Leases
Interesting and potentially quite profitable investments are cell phone site leases. These investments pay regularly and commonly have an escalator clause that increases lease payments every year. Cell phone tower site leases tend to be very stable and secure investments because cell phone networks depend upon these sites. Cell phone companies put up cell towers […]