
Your Investments and the Weakening Dollar

The dollar has fallen by an eighth against a basket of currencies since its high point in March. How will a weakening dollar affect your investments? The last point of comparison was in 2017. Why is the dollar falling? Will the current trend continue? And, how should you position your investment portfolio to account for a weakening dollar?

Why Is the Dollar Falling?

The dollar is a safe haven currency for people all over the world. When times are difficult, investment tends to flow into the USA and strengthen the dollar. Now that vaccines are expected […]

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When Should You Sell an Investment?

The stock market had a tough time of it at the end of 2018. Despite a partial recovery the tech darlings that led market gains for years have investors worried. If you have ridden the bull market for gains over the last few years, is it time to consider some changes in your investment portfolio? For most investors, the question is whether the market will come back or not this year. But there are a number of reasons to consider getting out. So, when should you sell an investment? Here are some thoughts on the subject.
When Should You Sell an […]

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Brazilian Bankruptcy

OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes filed papers in Brazilian bankruptcy court. The company is controlled by Eike Batista, who once seemed on track to become the richest man in the world. This Brazilian bankruptcy is the largest in Latin American history. Batista and his company were unable to come to an agreement with creditors for […]

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Increasing Iranian Natural Gas Production

Iran is in the news a lot because it appears to have nuclear bomb ambitions. The West led by the USA has levied punishing sanctions on the country. Now Iran has a new president although the religious oligarchy is still in charge overall. But the new president is pursuing what the press calls a charm […]

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Post Bernanke Federal Reserve

Ben Shalom Bernanke is approaching the end of his second term as chairman of the United States Federal Reserve. He is leaving when his term expires in 2014. Bernanke established himself as a foremost expert on the causes of the Great Depression and was an excellent person to have at the helm of the Fed […]

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Managing Investment Risk

Managing investment risk includes diversifying to balance business risk, being wary of overpriced stocks, and not confusing short term goals on long term investing techniques. Picking new winners is always the name of the game but picking them at the best price, diversifying to reduce sector risk, and choosing stocks whose prospects match your long […]

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Investing in China

Investing in China, or not, may be a hot topic if speculation about the size of China’s debt is true. The issue is one of hiding debt or reclassifying debt so that it shows up on a different balance sheet. Investing in debt and growth fits China as the nation has become an industrial powerhouse […]

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Cell Phone Tower Site Leases

Interesting and potentially quite profitable investments are cell phone site leases. These investments pay regularly and commonly have an escalator clause that increases lease payments every year. Cell phone tower site leases tend to be very stable and secure investments because cell phone networks depend upon these sites. Cell phone companies put up cell towers […]

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How High Can Stocks Go?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and NASDAQ are all at or near all-time highs? The question for those on the sidelines and wishing to invest it just how high can stocks go? FREE MASTERCLASS: 3 Secrets to Make Your Money Work for You! Markets as of April 10, 2013 Dow Jones 14,753.17 +79.71 […]

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Diversify Your Investment Portfolio

Diversification is a means of reducing risk and increasing opportunity in investing. The chances of having a stock in your portfolio rise significantly in price goes up when you have five well-chosen stocks instead of one. The chances of losing all of your investment capital also go down when you diversify your investment portfolio among […]

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