stock trading
Bank Stock Analysis
Bank stock analysis with both technical and fundamental analysis will be critical in sorting out profitable investments in large US banks. The recent news about a possible huge law suit against several major banks sent bank stocks tumbling across the board. The fundamentals lie in the risk to bank solvency from the huge numbers of mortgage defaults that have happened and continue to happen across the USA. It turns out that Bank of America – BAC, JPMorgan Chase – JPM, and others sold many mortgages to the government-backed mortgage lenders, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Now we hear in the news […]
Learn from Other Traders
To be successful in stock or Forex trading you need to know things and you need specific skills. An effective way to obtain these in Forex and stock trading is to learn from other traders. You may be a complete novice at stock trading or you may have years of experience in Forex trading. In […]
First Day of Stock Trading
The first day of stock trading for LinkedIn was spectacular as the stock soared from an opening $45 a share to close above $90 a share. LinkedIn is a professional networking website. Individuals join LinkedIn. They can search for jobs, recruit employees, or find industry expertise. It is possible to post a resume or personal […]
Stock Quotes for Stock Trading
Trading of stocks is the base of the stock market across the world. Stock exchanges play a major role in displaying the stock prices. It has changed the very facet of the trading world; with a click of the mouse, you can view the latest information on stock prices or get stock quotes online no […]
Learning from Stock Trading Forums
Learning from stock trading forums is a good practice for traders. What are stock trading forums? These are websites that allow investors, traders and anyone interested in the investment world, to share information, knowledge, tips, etc. with people having similar interests. Loading… We are not suggesting that one should make investing or trading decisions based […]