Profitable Investing Tips

Profitable Investments Today

Sometimes finding profitable investments today takes a little homework. A recent article in Scientific American is a case in point. Scientists at MIT were able to increase charge capacity and power output of lithium batteries using carbon nanotubes. The researchers found a tenfold increase in power delivery and a threefold increase in charge stored. Profitable […]

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Investment How to Buy Gold Coins

Many have found over the last few years that for a profitable investment how to buy gold coins is a good thing to learn. Rare gold coins, especially those of investment grade can be excellent investments. While inflation eats away at earnings and wealth, political upheaval, economic chaos, and war will dismantle the best of […]

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Investment Research

Investment research takes time and investment research typically pays off in higher stock investing profits. We often hear the question just what is a good investment? The obvious answer is that a good investment is one that makes money and carries little risk. The point of investment research is to find stocks before they are noticed by the rest of the market, and before market attention drives their price up. The issue for all investors is doing a sufficient amount of investment research to find a good investment before the market changes and the stock goes up in price. We […]

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Middle East Investment

Is this the time for Middle East investment? Many would say not as civil war rages in Libya, civil unrest has risen throughout the region, and society has risen against generations of repression in Syria. The old blood in the streets quote from Baron Rothschild comes to mind here. When everyone is scared off from […]

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Direct Investment in China

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Direct investment in China by foreign sources rose by a third in March of this year. Asia is leading the way out of the worst recession in eighty years and direct investment […]

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Deficit Investing

The congress is engaged in the political equivalent of trench warfare over the budget deficit. For the astute investor the issue is deficit investing. Unless someone comes up with a magic potion the USA will have a substantial budget deficit for years to come. Deficit investing is the notion that the deficit will continue with […]

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Fewer Japanese Exports

Will there be fewer Japanese exports as a result of the earthquake and tsunami? The devastation caused by the worst earthquake in Japan’s recorded history and the subsequent tsunami was a terrible disaster. It washed away cars, buildings, ships, and thousands of human lives. It also damaged a number of nuclear power stations. Fewer Japanese […]

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Investment in Nuclear Power

Is investment in nuclear power going be profitable considering the damage to Japanese nuclear facilities following the historic earthquake and tsunami? For Japan investment in nuclear power has been a necessity as the country is an industrial and manufacturing powerhouse and must import all of its fossil fuels. For those asking what is a good […]

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How to Invest in Preferred Stock

With the recent stock market crash a fresh and painful memory many investors have sought ways to protect their investments as they go forward. Some ask how to invest in preferred stock as a means of guaranteeing dividend payments, for example. Preferred stocks are special equities that fall in between debt instruments such as bonds […]

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How to Make Money through Investments

How to make money through investments is an important matter today. All of us work a day folks would like to retire with enough money to travel, pursue our dreams, or just live our golden years in comfort. Many investors seek to move out of their daily routine into a world of finance and financial […]

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