investment strategy
Dollar Cost Averaging
What is the most cost-efficient and profitable approach to long term investing? Market timing works for some folks. But recently, broad-based ETFs have outperformed many managed funds. Investing in stocks works best when the investor starts early and invests regularly. It helps to buy stocks directly in order to cut out fees and commissions so dividend reinvestment plans are a good idea as well. While there are always opportunities in the stock market, most people in their working years do not have the time, expertise, or interest required to take advantage of them. Thus, the best approach for most investors […]
Proven Stock Market Strategies
There is always someone giving investment “advice” as they promote one stock or another. But, what proven stock market strategies can you follow profitably over time? In this article, we look at a general approach to reliably profitable investing and then at specifics. For most investors, the best approaches are the simple ones. These are folks who have money they want to put away for retirement, a rainy day, putting the kids through college, or starting their own business. These folks have neither the time nor the inclination to get overly involved in the details of stock market investing but […]
Panic Buying of Investments Is a Bad Sign
A friend of ours commented recently that panic buying of investments is a bad sign. He is old enough to remember when the three Hunt brothers tried to corner the silver market and failed.
Panic Buying of Silver in 1979 to 1980
The boom and bust of silver prices is remembered as Silver Thursday, March 27, 1980. Silver was trading at around $6 an ounce in early 1979 and as the brothers purchased increasingly larger amounts of silver on margin, the price rose to $49.45 by January 18, 1980. By that time the three Hunt brothers controlled a third of all silver […]
Treat Your Investments Like a Cash Machine and Not a Slot Machine
How do you make money with your investments? There are two basic strategies. One is to pick a solid investment based on strong intrinsic value and hold for the long term. The other is always to follow the old adage to buy low and sell high. The first approach assumes that timing the market is difficult and not worth the risk. The second approach uses a lot of technical analysis in an attempt to time the market. Our suggestion is that for the long haul you should follow the first approach for the majority of your investments. You should treat […]
Sound Investment Advice
In today’s world of electronic trading, hedge funds, and increasingly leveraged investments, it is time for some sound investment advice. Don’t get us wrong. If you can make money trading stocks, investing in hedge funds, or leveraging your investments good for you. However, many lost their retirement savings in the 2008 market crash. Many lost […]
Investment Goals, Expectations, And Strategy
It is important for the successful long-term investor to have clear investment goals, honest investment expectations, and a consistent investment strategy. It can be too easy to be seduced by “ hot tips” which are usually old news to those with money and expertise. It can be too easy to try to invest in every […]