Offshore Investing
What Are Your Investment Alternatives?
What Are Your Investment Alternatives?
As noted in a recent CNN business article, investors are “holding
their noses” and buying stocks because “there is no alternative.”
(There Is No Alternative) has become a popular mantra on Wall Street. It
explains why stocks are near record highs despite concerns about trade tensions
with China and what’s expected to be another round of lackluster corporate
earnings next month.
even a huge surge in crude prices Monday following an attack on Saudi oil
facilities over the weekend was enough to dampen investor enthusiasm all that
much. The Dow fell a little more than 150 points, or about 0.6%, Monday. That’s
a pretty tame […]
Are There Safe Investments in China?
China has been the land of investment opportunity for decades with many investments in China doing very well. The benefits of investing in China came from its emergence as a developing economy, huge population and consumer base, and cheap workforce which attracted lots of foreign direct investment. Over the years China’s stock market matured, offering investment opportunities for average investors and many Chinese companies became listed in the USA as ADRs (American Depositary Receipts). Likewise, many mutual funds provided reasonably safe investment options by including Chinese stocks in their portfolios. There has always been risk associated with investments in China […]
Panic Buying of Investments Is a Bad Sign
A friend of ours commented recently that panic buying of investments is a bad sign. He is old enough to remember when the three Hunt brothers tried to corner the silver market and failed.
Panic Buying of Silver in 1979 to 1980
The boom and bust of silver prices is remembered as Silver Thursday, March 27, 1980. Silver was trading at around $6 an ounce in early 1979 and as the brothers purchased increasingly larger amounts of silver on margin, the price rose to $49.45 by January 18, 1980. By that time the three Hunt brothers controlled a third of all silver […]
Win the Trade War and Lose on Your Investments
The trade negotiations between the USA and China are coming to a head. Will there be genuine gains for the USA? We have written how both the USA and China have issues that they see as crucial to their national prosperity and security in our article about if the trade war becomes permanent. However, neither side wants to suffer the economic pain that could come out of a protracted trade war. China, especially, is seeing economic difficulties on the horizon and needs to do something sooner rather than later. So, there may well be a deal forthcoming. However, from the […]
Why Would You Want to Invest Offshore in Brazil?
Not that long ago Brazil was touted as one of the BRICs nations. Along with Russia, India, and China and it seemed destined to join the ranks of the most developed and prosperous economies within just a decade or two. Brazil was considered a model for developing nations as employment soared, poverty was reduced, and safety net social programs helped stabilize their society. Then prices for oil and other commodities collapsed. Much of this had to do with China importing less as well. Nevertheless, Brazil was not equipped to moderate its social programs. And, on top of that, investigators uncovered […]