Investing Tips

How Can Investing in Stocks Be Profitable?

We recently asked the question, should you sell Apple stock after the stock price fell. The stock sold for $130 a share a year ago and sells for $95 a share now. How can investing in stocks be profitable when a stock like Apple falls more than 25% in a year? If you look at the last five years of Apple you will see that the stock was selling for $50 a share five years ago, $100 a share four years ago and $60 a share three years ago before the stock rose steadily to the $130 range a year […]

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Is This the Ultimate Recovery Stock?

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At 7 years into the bull market USA Today looks at stocks that have rewarded patient investors with epic gains. The ultimate recovery stock among this is General Growth Properties.
The bull market […]

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Where Can You Invest Your Money?

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The global economy is slowing and taking the US stock market with it. Where can you invest your money when stocks take another beating as reported by USA Today?
Wall Street is having […]

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What Stocks Should You Buy Now?

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Investors make money by anticipating the market, both in the short and the long term. At times like this when many analysts are predicting a declining and volatile market there are commonly […]

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Russia, Syria and Markets

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Russia is jumping into the civil war in Syria with both feet. We would like to look at what this means to the region and what the Russia-Syria connection means to markets. […]

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Is This the Death of the Chinese Economic Miracle?

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The Chinese are letting their currency devaluate in an attempt to revive a slowing economy. We wonder if this is the death of the Chinese economic miracle. The Wall Street Journal reports […]

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Consequences of Greek Debt Default

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Most investors may think that a Greek debt default will not affect them. After all you probably do not have Greek stocks in your portfolio. But you may have invested in European […]

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Asset Bubble Investment Risks

It is getting increasingly difficult to find low priced investments. At the root of this issue is that the largest economies of the world have been printing money and driving down interest rates. The primary reason for this is that roughly seven trillion in assets disappeared with the 2008 market crash. The USA, European nations […]

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How Do Dark Pools Hurt Investors?

A relatively recent addition to the world of equities is the dark pool. These are trading networks that let traders buy or sell large orders and complete the orders before the market in general is aware of the trade. This works out well for those who wish to enter offers to buy or sell large […]

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Investment Management Advice

You have money to invest and you are wondering what is a good investment? What are safe investments? After all you would like to make a better return than on a CD at the bank but you do not want to lose all of your hard earned money on something stupid! You are looking for […]

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