Structuring Cell Site Lease Deals

You can make a lot of money in cell site tower lease investing . But, in order to do so you will need to follow several steps. You need to find a property and you need to convince the owner to sell this property containing a cell tower lease. Then, when you resell, securitize, or hold you need to secure your interest and revenue stream in this cell site lease property. For more details about structuring or securitization of your interest in a cell site lease deal take the Cell Tower Gold online course.


Components of the Deal

Take the Cell Tower Gold course and learn about structure. Will this be a ten year deal, a fifty year deal, or a 99 year lease? How does payment occur? How are you guaranteed payment?

Learn about assignments, easements, and fee simple and how these terms relate to wireless cell site investing .

Price is essential in gaining cell site lease profits. What do you pay and what do you get? What will the market bear? If you are joining in this venture with others how is revenue shared? Learn from the experts. Take the course by Cell Tower Gold and learn the ins and outs of cell tower investing.

What Is Cell Tower Investing All about and How Do You Start?

Take a drive and look at the tops of buildings, towers, hill tops, etc. Take a map with and mark down the cell sites. Go online and visit to find more cell sites. Then find out who owns the property and talk to them. Take the course offered by Cell Tower Gold to learn useful ways to approach cell site lease owners. A business owner who is strapped for cash might be amenable to an infusion of cash in return for his lease. You can always rehab the property of a failing business and keep the profitable portions including the lease.

Buying, Holding, and Selling

When thinking of holding cell tower leases think of holding dividend stocks . Cell site technology is durable and leases are commonly for twenty-five years although there are leases for 99 years. A well written lease has an escalator clause that increases your payments periodically. And many investors invest in wireless cell site leases for the short term only. They pick up a distressed asset, rehab it, and sell for a handsome profit. A smart approach to wireless cell site investing is to develop a list of long term investors for the cell sites that you will find and rehab. You may set up a deal in which you are paid for time and expenses and receive a handsome commission on the transfer of assets. Or you may be able to set terms of eventual sale with your buyer and then find cell sites for cheap. In this case you will pocket all of the profit. Check out the short course offered by Cell Tower Gold and profit from wireless cell site investing.

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