Every so often a great investment idea comes across our desk here at Profitable Investing Tips. This one has to do with the backbone of a technology that is part of our everyday life, cell phones. Cell phone tower investment can be profitable. Cell phone tower investment also requires a little background knowledge. The technical name for a cell phone tower is a cell site or cellular telephone site. These are the relay sites that allow for unbroken cell phone communication as subscribers move from area to area in the city or throughout the country. Cell towers (Base Transceiver Stations, mobile phone masts, or base stations) need not be on a tower. They are often at the top of tall building in cities, on mountain tops or on hills or ridge lines. The point is to have unbroken straight line contact with cell phones within the area and other cell phone towers. The cell phone tower investment that we are looking at is not an investment in the technology, GSM systems, power sources, and the structure itself. Our cell phone tower investment opportunity has to do with the site on which the cell phone tower is placed.
Leasing to Cell Phone Companies
The standard practice is to lease a spot of land, space on the top of a building, etc. to place a cell phone tower or just the necessary equipment if the spot is high enough. The owner of the property receives a lease payment on a monthly basis although payment could be quarterly or even yearly. Owners of tall buildings lease roof top space and farmers lease hill tops. This practice provides a constant income stream over the years.
Buying Leases
A cell phone towel lease is a contract and that contract has value. Depending on the rate of return of other investment in real estate, the stock market, or bank CD’s, a cell tower lease could provide a better rate of return than any of the rest. The value of a lease is negotiable. A farmer who needs to buy equipment or wants to pay down his mortgage may choose to sell his lease on land for a cell phone tower to an outside investor. The investor pays a onetime fee for the lease. The farmer pockets the money or uses it for some useful purpose. The investor then gains the lease payment in return for his investment.
Pros and Cons of Cell Phone Tower Investment
It is unlikely that cell phones and the need for relay towers will go away. Depending on the terms of the lease which you may choose to purchase, the return may be set in stone forever, or more likely, is renegotiable on a periodic basis. As the value of these investments increases so can the return on the lease. And, it is always possible that when the lease runs out that the cell phone company will go elsewhere to put a new tower. Cell phone tower investment can be profitable but, like all investments, it takes a bit of homework and consultation with someone who knows the ropes, like the folks at Cell Tower Gold.
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