Make Money on Cell Tower Investing

There are more investing opportunities in the world than just stocks and bonds. One excellent opportunity right in your neighborhood is cell phone tower investment. Just what are cell towers and how do they translate into investment opportunity? Cell towers or cell sites hold the mobile phone masts (base receiver stations) that connect the mobile phone grid. They need to be placed close enough to each other that a person traveling across the phone grid does not lose his or her connection. That translates to hundreds of thousands of sites across North America, as well as across the world. The phone companies own a small percentage of these sites and lease the rest. A farmer leases half an acre of hilltop. A business owner leases his rooftop. Your local baseball diamond may be leasing space on the light poles for cell sites. Phone companies pay well to lease these sites and lease contracts typically have an escalation clause that increases the lease payment year by year.

How Do I Make Money on Cell Tower Investing?

There are a number of business opportunities as regards cell towers. If you are a property owner and have a tall building, elevated piece of land, etc. you may be able to lease your property to the phone company for a nice lease payment. However, if you have not been approached you probably will not be. So, go for a drive and look around. Cell sites are everywhere. Go talk to the owner of the property and see if he or she is interested in selling the lease or the property or both. Everyone has a price and if you can help relieve the current owner of a problem you may end up with a cell phone lease payment as part of the bargain. Many make money on cell tower investing by rehabbing properties on which the cell site is located. They sell the property, retain the lease, make money on the transaction, and receive lease payments in perpetuity.

Short Term Investments

Cell Tower Gold estimates that there are over a third of a million cell phone tower sites in the USA that are available for profitable cell phone tower investing. These are sites that you may well be able to buy, rehab, and resell for a handsome profit. To make money on cell tower investment you will want to learn the ropes. Consider the short course that Cell Tower Gold offers as a good way to jump start this business opportunity. To make money on cell tower investing thing of buy and hold, sub leasing, rehabbing for resale.

Buy and Hold

You can make money on cell tower investing by simply purchasing the cell tower site and the lease. If your goal is diversify your portfolio of investments this is a viable route. Payments are usually good and typically there is an escalation clause in the lease that will steadily increase your gains over the years.

Buy Out the Lease

It may be possible to purchase the lease from the owner of the cell tower property. This may include the property or may include the right to lease payments. In the second case you will pay a flat sum for the right to lease payments, in perpetuity. As with buy and hold on the property this a way to diversify your investment portfolio. Just make sure that the lease is not going expire the moment that you make payment.

Consider It a Fixer-Upper

If you have an eye for real estate you may well spot problems with the cell tower property. If you have a ready solution in mind, you can make money on cell tower investing by purchasing the property, lease and all, fixing the problem and selling with or without the lease for a handsome profit.

If you would like more information about this amazing and unique opportunity, please join our mailing list. We will be sending more information over the next few weeks to our newsletter.

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