foreign investments
Which Offshore Investments are Risky?
As the US stock market cools off, many investors may be looking outside of America for investment opportunities. When doing so, it is a good idea to consider which offshore investments hold promise and which offshore investments are risky. Last year we asked, why aren’t you investing offshore?
The best deals in stocks today are not in the USA but in foreign markets. Why aren’t you investing offshore?
The United Nations World Investment Report for 2016 shows which countries investment money is flowing into and in what amounts. In 2015 money flowing into Asia and Europe each exceeded that flowing into North […]
Offshore Investment Advice
When the economy is not doing well at home investors are often tempted to look offshore. When this is as simple is buying stocks of foreign companies via American Depository Receipts (ADRs) the approach and tax consequences are pretty much the same as when investing in American stocks. But with a more exotic approach, such […]
Hazards of Wholesale Funding
Does wholesale funding make your financial life safer or riskier? What are the advantages of wholesale funding and what are the hazards of wholesale funding? If you have not been keeping up with the banking news, wholesale funding is how many large banks are now financing their operations and managing banking risk. The traditional means […]
North American European Free Trade Agreement
Talk has arisen of a North American free trade agreement. Such a treaty would supplant the current treaty that Mexico has with the European Union and take the place of treaties currently being negotiated between the USA and EU and between Canada and the EU. Canada, the United States, and Mexico have had their own […]
Fiscal Cliff Fight Investment Losses
Despite the very public agreement to extend middle class tax cuts and increase taxes on the very rich, the fiscal cliff fight continues. Our concern in this investment column is fiscal cliff fight investment losses. One bright spot for those who believe in the right for parents to pass their wealth on to their heirs […]
Time to Invest in Russia
As Vladimir Putin returns to the presidency of Russia he “orders” increased investment by the government and pressure on government run industries to modernize and become more efficient. If you are thinking that this is the time to invest in Russia please remember that Mr. Putin’s decree for a so called new economy sounds a […]