Is Crypto Now Hotel California?

A recent article in Bloomberg Crypto reminded us of the last lines from the song Hotel California. The issue is that while you can put your money into crypto ventures, and you can be dazzled by the spectacular price surges you cannot always get your money out of a crypto investment when you want it!

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Sending Money Back to Venezuela With Crypto

Nevertheless, sending money back home to Venezuela with crypto has become increasingly popular with the Venezuela diaspora created by a non-democratic government whose sole skill set seems to be one of robbing the country of its wealth and driving more than seven million of its citizens out of the country and creating 2,000,000% yearly inflation which has only recently improved to about 20% a year.

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Medical Genetics Investment Opportunities

The first two humans recently received transplanted pig kidneys instead of donated human kidneys. This this was big news in the medical world. It is also a foreshadowing of emerging medical genetics investment opportunities.

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Where Does Bitcoin Fit in a Balanced Investment Portfolio?

The introduction of spot Bitcoin ETFs has brought Bitcoin closer to the center of the traditional investing world. No longer does one need to know how to set up and manage a crypto wallet in order to invest in or trade the senior cryptocurrency. And no longer do traditional mom and pop investors need to […]

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Increase in Scams Follows Crypto Resurgence

And here we are again with the emergence of crypto scams now aided by social media and artificial intelligence. Was this increase in scams following crypto resurgence something innate to the crypto world?

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Are Crypto Points Worthwhile or a Gimmick?

These points are earned via specified transactions such as purchasing benefits, services, or goods using a specific cryptocurrency. So, like Gold Bond Stamps, are crypto points worthwhile or a gimmick meant to ensnare more unwary folks into parting with their hard earned money?

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Will ETFs Drive Ether Higher?

Will ETFs drive Ether higher? Or will the dynamic be different than with Bitcoin because of how Ethereum is a different approach to crypto than Bitcoin is?

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Who Is Buying Bitcoin ETFs?

That being the case, has the wave of investment in these vehicles been from mom and pop investors who like not having to worry about the fuss and bother of dealing with the blockchain? Who is buying Bitcoin ETFs?

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Investing in New Defense Technologies

An issue for the investor is that these are all big and secure companies with limited growth potential. For growth one needs to consider investing in new defense technologies. So, how should one go about doing that?

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What Is Bitcoin’s Correlation with Tech Stocks?

More often than not it seems that Bitcoin’s price moves up and down in tandem with the Nasdaq market in general and specifically with tech stocks. What is Bitcoin’s correlation with tech stocks?

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