When Did the FTX Fraud Start?
FTX neglected to tell folks that they were in trouble and engaged in various shenanigans like moving money from one business to another and accounting it as new assets. A more thorough review of the evidence, especially from Bankman-Fried’s trial, shows that fraud appears to have been part of the business plan almost from day one.
Biden Warning to Bitcoin
Since President Biden issued an executive order regarding the future of US money and payment systems half a year ago government agencies have been considering cryptocurrencies and how to regulate them. The end result will be substantial regulation of the world of cryptocurrencies. That is the Biden warning to Bitcoin and the rest of the cryptocurrency world.
Effect of Higher Interest Rates on Crypto Investing
Now the Fed has raised interest rates by 0.50% in May 2022 and promises to raise rates by the same for several months in a row. What will be the effect of higher interest rates on crypto investing?
Crypto Bank or Pawnshop?
Because you need to deposit cryptocurrency with these folks in order to get loans or earn interest, the State of California raised the question with such a company if they want to be a crypto bank or a pawnshop?
How Secure Is Bitcoin?
How secure is bitcoin when the FBI can track transactions to recover ill-gotten gains? Who can track yours?
Taxation of Cryptocurrency Profits
If you bought bitcoin or any of the other cryptocurrencies just a few years ago you may be sitting of huge potential profits. If you have taken some of those gains you need to be concerned about taxation of cryptocurrency profits
How Far Could Cryptocurrencies Fall?
When we wrote recently about the crypto with the best profit potential, we noted that many old school investors think that cryptocurrencies are a huge bubble ready to pop. How far could cryptocurrencies fall?
Crypto With Best Profit Potential
Assuming that the crypto niche will not collapse and that it will continue to be viewed as a store of value, what is the crypto with the best profit potential