investment advice
Should You Really Sell Your Investments in May?
“Sell in May and go away” is an old investment adage that seems to be true more often than not. Should you really sell your investments in May or simply stop trading stocks? CNBC notes that the recent rally might be a concern because after the previous early year rally stocks plummeted over the summer.
Stocks have surged through April in their best start to a year in 32 years.
But, markets don’t have a good track record of following up on a rally of that size.
“There are four other years since World War II that the S&P was up at least […]
How to Choose an Investment Advisor
It is one thing to invest your first $10,000 and another to successfully invest and manage more substantial amounts of money. First of all, when you first start out investing it is often more important to get you financial house in order than pick the right stocks! But, now what do you do with an inheritance of a quarter of a million or more. Or what if you have sold a successful business for tens of millions of dollars? At this point you are thinking that you need some sound advice about how to invest your money. This brings us […]
Consequences of Greek Debt Default
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Most investors may think that a Greek debt default will not affect them. After all you probably do not have Greek stocks in your portfolio. But you may have invested in European […]
Offshore Investment Advice
When the economy is not doing well at home investors are often tempted to look offshore. When this is as simple is buying stocks of foreign companies via American Depository Receipts (ADRs) the approach and tax consequences are pretty much the same as when investing in American stocks. But with a more exotic approach, such […]
Stock Market Investing
Stock market investing can provide investors with better returns over the years than a bank account or US Treasury Bonds. Stock market investing is also riskier than simply putting your money in an FDIC insured bank account or Treasuries that are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government. How do you […]
End of Bond Purchases Drives Stocks Down
The prospect of the end of bond purchases drives stocks down. Speculation continues as to just when the US Federal Reserve will start tapering off its $85 Billion a month purchase of US Treasuries. Recent comments from the Fed indicate that changes in the program could come as soon as next month. As the beginning […]