Invest during an Asian Economic Slowdown
Recently Japanese economic growth came in at half the expected strength. Chinese production is down. The European debt crisis holds the possibility that a Greek financial collapse will lead to bankruptcy of economies across the Euro Zone southern tier. Considering that a lot of money has followed growth in Asia the next question seems to […]
Manufacturing Contraction Threatens Investments
The economic “chickens” may have come home to roost as a US manufacturing contraction threatens investments. The Institute for Supply Management report on the manufacturing sector shows that June of 2012 produced the first fall in demand in almost three years (July of 2009). ISM’s purchasing manager’s index is a closely watched measure of current […]
Staying in Touch with the Economy and Your Investments
“Stay on your toes,” my old baseball coach used to tell us. To win a nine-inning game even the seemingly inactive outfielders need to stay alert on every pitch, on every throw to check the runner. So it is with long term investing. You need to stay alert, stay awake, and stay in touch with […]