Cell Tower Return on Investment Formula

Cell tower leases can be great long term investments. And cell phone tower investment can be a short term affair in which you pick up a property with a cell site, do a bit of rehabbing, and sell for a tidy profit. As with any potentially profitable investment you will want a fair return on your time, effort, ingenuity, and capital. Thus in your cell site investing game plan there should be consideration of a cell tower return on investment formula.

Time spent: What do you earn on your day job? You will want to earn the same or better for your time spent in cell site tower lease investing as you would make in other employment of enterprises or why would you bother?

Effort: Another factor to consider in your cell tower return on investment formula is just how hard you work on a job. It is one thing to get paid a reasonable amount for easy work and it is another thing if you bust your behind for the same rate of pay. More effort than normal should be rewarded so expect to make more money if you are working hard.

Ingenuity and Creativity: Inventors get patents on things that they invent. Smart investors who think up creative ways to invest commonly make more money. When you think of smart, efficient, and profitable ways to make money in wireless cell site investing expect to get rewarded and add that aspect to your cell tower return on investment formula.

Capital Investment and Using Other People’s Money

A smart cell tower investor often has a buyer in the wings who wants a collection of these properties and is willing to pay a premium for someone else to do the work and set up the deals. Your return on cell tower lease investment capital will often depend upon where you fit in the scheme of things in cell tower lease investing. Find investors up front and your cell tower return on investment formula as regards capital invested will be spectacular!

ROI = Capital Gained/(Capital Invested + Time Value + Value of Extra Effort + Value of Creativity)

This is the cell tower return on investment formula that you may want to consider rather than the standard ROI = Capital Gained/Capital Invested.

Setting Things Up to Guarantee a Profit

We mentioned that where you fit in the scheme of things in cell tower investing will often determine to a great degree you profit and your profit as it related to time, effort, and money than you put into a project. Take the Cell Tower Gold course. Learn how to set up cell tower lease deals so that you are paid first. Learn how to create securities out of a collection of cell site leases and further enhance your profits. Take the Cell Tower Gold course and learn everything from A to Z about cell site investing!

If you would like more information about this amazing and unique opportunity, please join our mailing list. We will be sending more information over the next few weeks to our newsletter.

For more information about this amazing opportunity, please visit www.celltowergold.com.

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