Stock Investing

How to Buy Stock Directly

Long term investing works out well when you choose secure investments whose value appreciates over time. Investments like dividend stocks are a good choice because the dividends can be reinvested during the early years and taken as income during retirement. Many dividend stock investors take advantage of dividend reinvestment plans but these plans are also how to buy stock directly without ever going through a broker.
How to Buy Stock Directly with Dividend Reinvestment Plans
If you already own stock in a company that has a dividend reinvestment plan, all you need to do is sign up and the company will reinvest […]

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Choosing Undervalued Investments

Choosing undervalued investments that the market has ignored or misunderstood can be very profitable. But, the key to this manner of investing in stocks is to find investments with hidden value and not just use a stock screener to find cheap investments. There are always reasons why the market prices a given stock as it does. Investments that are really undervalued are being ignored by the market because they are small stocks, stocks that no analysts are following, or stocks that the market in general does not understand and therefore gives them a too-low stock valuation.
Because the stock is being […]

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Best Stocks to Invest In

For generations, the U.S. stock market has been the best and most reliable money-making machine on the planet. But, how to get started investing and take advantage of the stock market’s power is always the issue. The average return on the basket of stocks in the S&P 500 has been 10% per year per year ever since the index began as the Composite Index of 90 stocks back in 1926. Today the S&P 500 is a group of 500 stocks that accurately mirror the U.S. stock market as well as the U.S. economy. Are the best stocks to invest in […]

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Investing in Stocks

The reason for investing in stocks is to attain financial security. While some people may make a spectacular investment decision by chance, the vast majority who succeed at investing in stocks save their money and invest over a long period of time. Success in investing starts with defining your goals. What do you want to get out of investing? Make a list with the most important goals like having enough money for retirement, putting your children through college, or saving up to start your own business at the top of the list. Then consider how many years are left for […]

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How to Spot a Value Trap Investment

Over the years we have often cautioned investors to beware of penny stocks, especially those that have seen better days. While investing in a grand old name in hopes of a recovery it is important to learn how to spot a value trap investment. This issue came up recently when we wondered what was wrong at Kraft Heinz. As bargains become harder to find in an aging bull market there is a temptation to go bottom feeding in search of an investment miracle. Here is some advice about what to watch out for.
Kraft Heinz Products
Spotting a Value Trap
A couple of […]

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What Was Wrong at Kraft Heinz?

Last week the stock of the packaged food giant, Kraft Heinz, took a nosedive. The stock fell by 28% on news of a SEC investigation of the company’s accounting practices but more so the nosedive was due to gigantic losses in the last year. The package food business is very competitive and companies need to balance quality, price, advertising, and new product lines in order to stay competitive as much so as to gain an advantage. What was wrong at Kraft Heinz was that they seem to have lost their way. Cost cutting became the order of the day in […]

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Choosing Deep Value Investments

Many investors are pessimistic about the prospects of their investments in the coming year. In this regard we are looking at the process of choosing deep value investments. We see the pessimism in that stocks are rising on tepid earnings reports as The New York Times reports.
Late last month, chip giant Advanced Micro Devices reported disappointing financial results for the fourth quarter and warned that its first quarter performance would be weaker than expected. The stock surged 20 percent. A couple of days later, General Electric reported one of its skimpiest quarterly profits of the century, badly missing analysts’ forecasts. […]

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What Investments to Select for an IRA

When saving for retirement, one of the essentials is to open an Individual Retirement Account, more commonly referred to as an IRA. There are four different kinds of IRAs (traditional, Roth, SEP, and SIMPLE). There are unique requirements and rules that apply to each of these. You may or may not be able to fund your IRA with “before tax” dollars but none of the dividends, capital gains, interest or other income will be taxed until you retire and start to withdraw. This provides a huge tax advantage when held for many years. Now the question is what investments to […]

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Solid Investments for Retirement

As investors approach their retirement years it is important to modify their investment portfolio. Risky growth stocks may provide impressive earnings for a younger investor. But a retiree cannot bear the risk of losing part of their portfolio just when they need it the most. Solid investments for retirement should always include dividend stocks but more importantly stocks with long term intrinsic value. Here are a few thoughts on the subject.
Investments for Income in Retirement
A substantial part of any investment portfolio in retirement is typically in dividend stocks. While a person may have reinvested dividends over the years, they will […]

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How Do You Choose the Right Time to Buy an Investment?

Stocks seem to be recovering from the end-of-2018 correction. Is this the start of a new upward trend or are we still in for continued volatility? When you believe that a stock, real estate investment opportunity, or any investment is about to go up in value, how do you choose the right time to buy an investment? Although there are a few seasonal predictors of stock prices, choosing the right time to buy or sell typically has to do with intrinsic value versus current market price. Now that stocks are recovering a bit, what are the factors to watch for?
S&P […]

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