Value Investing

Why Invest in Banks?

Why invest in banks? Banks are generally a good avenue for value investing, dividend stocks, and intrinsic stock value. When the economy goes into a recession, bank stocks fall in price. However, when you look at their intrinsic stock value, these investments are generally bargains. This is because, over the years, banks are money-makers. They are usually dividend stocks as well. And, if you are interested in investing in Canada, Bank of Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank, and Toronto-Dominion Bank have all been paying dividends without fail for more than a century.

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Safe Investments in an Uncertain World

The market fell the other day on news that an early trade war deal is not likely. But, the trade war is only one symptom of problems with the world economy. This got us to thinking, what are safe investments in an uncertain world? In that regard, it is instructive to look at how major changes in the economy, technology, and other factors affect your investments over the long term.

Investing in Carriages When They Are Making Cars

Since we are thinking of long term issues with your investments, we thought that a little history lesson […]

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Panic Buying of Investments Is a Bad Sign

A friend of ours commented recently that panic buying of investments is a bad sign. He is old enough to remember when the three Hunt brothers tried to corner the silver market and failed.
Panic Buying of Silver in 1979 to 1980
The boom and bust of silver prices is remembered as Silver Thursday, March 27, 1980. Silver was trading at around $6 an ounce in early 1979 and as the brothers purchased increasingly larger amounts of silver on margin, the price rose to $49.45 by January 18, 1980. By that time the three Hunt brothers controlled a third of all silver […]

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Solid Investments for Retirement

As investors approach their retirement years it is important to modify their investment portfolio. Risky growth stocks may provide impressive earnings for a younger investor. But a retiree cannot bear the risk of losing part of their portfolio just when they need it the most. Solid investments for retirement should always include dividend stocks but more importantly stocks with long term intrinsic value. Here are a few thoughts on the subject.
Investments for Income in Retirement
A substantial part of any investment portfolio in retirement is typically in dividend stocks. While a person may have reinvested dividends over the years, they will […]

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Defensive Investment Strategy for 2019

As the year ends and investors celebrate the holidays with family and friends, the stock market is deep into correction territory and the real estate market may not be very far behind. The suggestion one hears from all sides is that it is time to adopt a defensive investment strategy for 2019 and perhaps beyond. But, just what is a defensive investment strategy? When should you go defensive? And when will it be time to get aggressive again? First, here are some thoughts about going defensive for the coming year.
Defensive Investment Strategy for 2019
As a practical matter, what investments should […]

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How to Find Value Investments Offshore

As the bull market in stocks ages, US investors are rolling over their investments from a focus on growth to a focus on value. They are also looking offshore for foreign investment opportunities. Some choose to combine the two approaches, but how do you find value investments offshore? CNBC reports that Morgan Stanley is looking offshore for value and where to put your money for the next year and they specifically suggest Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Peru, and Poland.
Underpinning the bank’s preference for stocks in emerging markets is an expected stabilization in growth in those economies in 2019, while expansion […]

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Why Is There a Flight to Quality Investments?

The US stock market is down a bit as investors are flocking to quality stocks, as reported by CNBC. What is going on? Why is there a flight to quality investments?
Both before the market’s October sell-off and in the two-week bounce, investors have shown a clear preference for “quality” stocks.
Not the same as cheap “value” stocks, these are companies with less debt, stable businesses and some defensive characteristics in a tougher market or economy.
A grouping of such companies by Citi surfaced the likes of Walmart, McDonald’s, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Amgen and Quest Diagnostics.
While not predictive in itself, this pattern […]

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Which Growth Stocks Are Really Value Investments?

The failure of many so-called “growth stocks” to surge ahead in today’s stock market has puzzled value investors. After all, the traditional use of measures, such as price to earnings ratio and price to asset ratio, has served many investors well over the years. But for many investments in the stock market, it is not working today! Growth stocks keep forging ahead while stocks with low price to asset ratios are lagging. The questions we want to bring up are which growth stocks are really value investments in disguise? And, which value stocks are really not so valuable?
Successful Investing by […]

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How Do You Choose an Investment to Buy and Hold?

The richest people in the world started successful companies or bought into them. And these people retain ownership over the years. You may be too late to found Microsoft, Walmart,, or Berkshire Hathaway but you can follow the examples of these folks. Buy and hold value investing, when you choose the right investments, results in profits that continue for years and years. Why does this approach work? And, how to do you choose an investment to buy and hold?
How Do You Choose an Investment to Buy and Hold: Why Does This Work?
We like the Warren Buffett quote that the […]

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Importance of Not Losing Money When Investing

The bull market is aging and a potentially damaging trade war is ramping up. With investment risks in mind, we have written a lot recently about investing without losing money, what criteria to choose investments, safe investments for retirement, and the risks of offshore investing. A recurring theme has been the importance of not losing money when investing. One does not need to look any farther than a Warren Buffett quote to understand the importance of this subject. The Oracle of Omaha said that the first rule of investing in not to lose money and the second rule is not […]

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