us manufacturing

Investing for a Devalued Dollar

While fiscal cliff stock worries wax and wane, smart investors should be thinking about investing for a devalued dollar. One of the reasons for US fiscal problems is, in fact, an overly strong US dollar. Across the world countries that want to export goods to North America repeatedly purchase US dollars. One reason is that […]

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Weaker Manufacturing in the US Drives Stocks Down

Stocks in the USA fell recently on the news of a fall off in the manufacturing sector. Lower orders for items such as computers and industrial equipment suggests that companies are holding off on spending. As weaker manufacturing in the US drives stocks down what is an investor to do? As always fundamental analysis is […]

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Manufacturing Contraction Threatens Investments

The economic “chickens” may have come home to roost as a US manufacturing contraction threatens investments. The Institute for Supply Management report on the manufacturing sector shows that June of 2012 produced the first fall in demand in almost three years (July of 2009). ISM’s purchasing manager’s index is a closely watched measure of current […]

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