long term investments
Risk-adjusted Investments for the Next Decade
Interest rates are edging up. For the time being, stocks are staying ahead of bonds in the investment war. Historically, stocks earn 3.3% more than bonds over time. However, investors have gotten used to a much better ROI in the stock market over the last decade. We are looking at risk-adjusted investments for the next decade interest rates go up and the stock market adjusts. Many investors have chosen to invest by buying ETFs that track the S&P 500. This puts them at risk in a stock market that will perform differently over […]
Investing in Eurozone Stocks
Investors in the US and elsewhere watch their stocks rise and fall based upon the latest news about the European debt crisis but what about investing in Eurozone stocks at this time? Is it time to buy when investing in Eurozone stocks or time to sell European stocks ? There are a number of factors […]