
Chinese Manufacturing Increase

Stocks around the world responded favorably to the announcement of the first Chinese manufacturing increase in more than a year. A Chinese manufacturing increase may tell us that prospects for investment in China are positive. On the other hand, at least part of a Chinese manufacturing increase will come from sales by this export driven […]

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Profit from a Global Stock Selloff

Stock markets across the world plunge on the news of an increasingly severe debt dilemma in the Euro Zone. In the meantime smart investors can look for ways to profit from a global stock selloff. United States and European stocks fell on news of increased borrowing costs in Spain. Investors fear that one more nation […]

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End of Euro Zone Austerity

According to news sources, Moody’s is about to downgrade Spain’s debt rating, again. Greece is still struggling with austerity measures imposed by the EU in return for bailout funds. The Euro Zone appears to be poised for another recession. Does this mean the end of Euro Zone austerity? The issue in Spain is the same […]

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Return to Socialism in Europe Drives Stocks Down

As France and Greece change governments the return to socialism in Europe drives stocks down. The election of governments opposed to necessary Euro Zone austerity measures casts doubt on the long term Euro Zone investment outlook . Over the last three years officials in the European Union have forged a consensus as to how to […]

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Long Term Euro Zone Investment Outlook

The Euro Zone may or may not be digging itself out of its sovereign debt crisis. What is the long term Euro Zone investment outlook? And, what factors besides sovereign debt will affect the long term Euro Zone investment outlook? With thoughts about the best places on earth to invest in mind we would like […]

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Euro Zone Increases Its Lending Limit Again

Investors are concerned as the Euro Zone increases its lending limit again. The first concern is that there needs to be an increased lending limit. The second is that the extra €200 billion will not be enough to stop the Euro Zone from sliding back into financial chaos. A third concern is that as the […]

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