
Invest in Dividend Stocks

Invest in dividend stocks for security and a steady income. There are companies that have routinely paid quarterly dividends for as much as a century. If you want to sleep at night invest in dividend stocks. A contrarian might argue that buy investing in a secure stock that you will give up the potential for […]

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Dividend Stocks

For an investor who wants steady income as well as growth, investing in dividend stocks can fill the bill. There are quite a few companies that have paid increasing dividends without a break for decades. There are even companies that have not missed a dividend payment for more than a century. This short list includes companies that have been paying dividends for more than 120 years!

Exxon Mobile
Johnson Controls
Coca Cola
Colgate Palmolive
Consolidated Edison
Procter & Gamble
York Water
Eli Lilly and Company
Stanley Black and Decker

(List courtesy of The Motley Fool)
A common misconception is that dividend stocks are not growth stocks. However, over five and ten […]

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Talking about Retirement Dividends

Now that the markets are recovering the focus for many has switched from survival to thoughts of retirement. High quality stocks that pay good dividends have always been a major portion of retirement directed portfolios. After last year’s economic disaster when so many supposedly strong stocks lost value the question is just what will qualify […]

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