Chinese economic slowdown

How Do Job Cutbacks in China Relate to Your Investments?

China has been the economic miracle of the world for decades. From Nixon’s visit in 1972 to its entry into the World Trade Organization to the current day, China has not had a negative growth year since 1978 and has average a 10% GDP growth rate. At the same time North American and Europe are ecstatic with an occasional 5% growth rate and typically languish in the 2% to 3% range. But, things are not all well in the Land of Managed Capitalism (by the Communist Party). Debt is rising and there is a potential for a long term trade […]

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Why Are Investors Leaving Emerging Markets?

Remember when the BRICS nations were all set to surge into the forefront of the global economy? Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa were all seeing spectacular economic growth and attracting huge amounts of foreign direct investment. These nations are still substantial actors on the world stage but their growth has slowed and in some cases reversed course. Investors have been pulling their money out of these markets and putting it into the USA, Europe, and Japan. So, what happened? Why are investors leaving emerging markets?
China Moves to Adjust Its Economy
China helped lead the way out of the financial […]

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Is China Going to Kill the Messenger Carrying Bad Economic News?

var jq = jQuery.noConflict();
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return false;
When things go wrong in totalitarian states a common course of action is to find someone to blame and make a public example of them. In this regard China’s economy is slowing […]

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