
Blockchain Gaming Investments

Despite the pall cast over the blockchain and crypto world by crypto winter, niches within this world are doing just fine, thank you. One of these is blockchain gaming. Millennials and Generation Z folks play an average of eleven hours a week on blockchain games. They are attracted by game personalization and the ability to customize in-game characters. Ownership rights within these games is an attractive feature as well as are in-game marketplaces. Within this growing gaming arena there are blockchain gaming investments as well. What are these and how does one go about making investments?

Blockchain Gaming Potential

Investment in blockchain gaming is in the one to two billion dollar range. This compares to the roughly $200 billion gaming industry as a whole. This blockchain gaming is in its infancy with lots of room to grow. Will it grow? If so, how can you get a piece of this investment opportunity? Issues include the current quality of games when compared to the non-blockchain games. One turn off for gamers has been that blockchain games are often somewhat clunky and unsophisticated when compared to games that do not require a digital wallet to get into. Traditional game publishers have been reluctant to get into a niche where digital assets are involved. There is also the issue of simply learning to use the blockchain when they have developed the skills already to put interactive games online and are making money doing this.

Can You Make Money in Blockchain Gaming?

There are blockchain games that work with a play to earn model. Typically this involves buying assets within the game and then selling when the prices goes up. This is sort of like investing in collectables in the real world. It is not, however, like investing in a company that has the capacity to generate profits and in which you could buy shares of stock. While gaming, having a good time, and even making some money is not such a bad idea, it is not like getting into a profitable, real world investment on the ground floor. Are there any investment opportunities where you can own part of the blockchain gaming company?

Venture Capital Blockchain Gaming Investors

Chain Play has an extensive list of venture capital firms that invest in blockchain gaming. They list 834 of these! Many of these may be viable investment opportunities but many will only take on members up to a preset limit. While venture capital companies have been known to make people fabulously rich, these are not investments for the faint of heart. That is because they get in on the ground floor from which point most startups fail. Those that succeed give the investors very nice profits. In order to ensure that you make some money from these sorts of investments you need to invest in a lot of them. Or you need to have a lot of skill and insight when it comes to picking the handful of such opportunities that will generate profits in the end.

Traditional Gaming Investments

One way into blockchain gaming investments that could limit a person’s risk is to invest in a traditional gaming company what is likely to migrate into blockchain gaming over time. Such investments include Microsoft and Sony for which only a small fraction of the investment has to do with gaming or a stock like GameStop that is famous as a meme stock. Or one could go with a company like Nintendo for a pure gaming play. In each of these cases you are not looking at losing all of your money if any efforts to get into blockchain gaming fail. On the other hand, you will not see any stellar profits like you would by investing in a startup that becomes a blockbuster.

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