united states economy
Frugal Savers Stall the Economy
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Economists do not seem to be able to decide what the average family should do with their income. The rap on the US economy for years has been that no one in […]
Economic Effects of Immigration Reform
There is a lot of controversy regarding President Obama’s executive order for immigration reform. The short version is that he bypassed a do nothing congress and put a hold on deportation for nearly 5 million people who came to and remain in the USA illegally. Our concern at this point is not if the parents […]
Invest in the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership
Will progress on the Transpacific Trade Partnership be announced at the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit in Beijing this week? The envisioned Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership currently would include the following: Likely Members Likely members of the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership are Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States […]
Post Bernanke Federal Reserve
Ben Shalom Bernanke is approaching the end of his second term as chairman of the United States Federal Reserve. He is leaving when his term expires in 2014. Bernanke established himself as a foremost expert on the causes of the Great Depression and was an excellent person to have at the helm of the Fed […]