Hedge Funds
Should You Invest in Shorted Stocks?
GameStop and other meme stocks have started to surge again. Most folks thought that the retail investment frenzy was over. Over a month ago we asked the question, Should You Invest in GameStop? Our conclusion was that when you can successfully time such investments both in getting in and getting out, they can be quite profitable. But, over the long haul, the reason that the majority of stocks are being shorted is that they are overpriced and will eventually fall. Much to our surprise, GameStop stock is up again!
Should You Invest in Gamestop?
The video game retailer, Gamestop, was once ubiquitous in malls across America. Recently it has been struggling and its share price had fallen. That was until the end of December of 2020 at which time its share price was $17. It peaked to $347 on January 25 and has fallen to $217 as of January 28. Should you invest in Gamestop? For that matter, what happened with Gamestop (GME). The New York Times offers a bit of insight into Gamestop’s rise and what it tells us about today’s stock market. Keep in mind that Gamestop sold for $3.84 a share a year ago.
Whose Purchases Are Driving Stock Prices Higher?
CNBC published a useful article about who is doing all the buying that is driving the market up.
Given a series of new highs for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the NASDAQ, the obvious question is who is doing all this buying?
The author goes through the list of investor categories and come up with conclusions that should be of concern to regular investors.
The large investor groups for stocks include retail investors who own about 20% of US stocks. However, this group now has holding comparable to 2007 […]
Hedge Fund Raids and Investing
Hedge fund raids and investing are in the news with several recent raids by the FBI on fund offices. According to various press reports and commentary the SEC, long criticized for laxity in oversight, has changed gears. Rather than looking to prosecute individuals who have bought and sold stock based upon non-public information, the SEC […]