Ever Heard Of Futures?
Have you ever heard of futures and the ability to enhance profits with the candlestick charting technique? There is a difference between the stock market and futures. In futures trading, you don’t really own anything as in stocks. When trading you are merely making a bet in which direction the future price will go. If […]
Dispassionate Investing In A World Of Despair And Hope
We are living in the world of the old Chinese curse, “interesting times.” With the economic mess the world is in, we see despair alternating with hope every day. This fact is reflected in stock prices almost daily. Now, of all times, is when successful investing requires a dispassionate approach to market psychology as well […]
Long Term Investing In Basic Consumer Goods Companies
As 2009 begins the United States is experiencing its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. In these tough economic times where is the best place to put a long term investment? It has always been good advice during a recession to put your long term investments in banking or basic consumer goods. Well, banks […]
Long Term Investing In The United States Infrastructure
The United States Interstate Highway System is in need of infrastructure repairs. The timing is just right because the United States is in need of a jobs program too. A long term, long overdue investment into the United States infrastructure from transportation, to electric grids, to sewers is coming. Savvy long term investing in United […]
Long Term Investing In Pharmaceuticals
Long term investing in the pharmaceutical industry has generally led to excellent returns. The standard advice over the years has been to buy “big pharma” and watch your shares rise in value while you collect dividends. In the last twenty or more years the number of new technologies being applied to treatments has grown exponentially. […]
Long Term Investing In The Coming Years
As we enter the New Year and look back at the detritus of the old year it’s time to evaluate long term investment opportunities. Three categories come to mind for long term investing. These are United States infrastructure improvements, pharmaceutical research, and consumer goods. The new administration is going to pour money into infrastructure to […]
Why Buy Stock?
Prospective businessmen and women will have to answer the question of why would anyone in their right mind buy stocks? As a matter of fact, the real question should be why someone would opt to not buy stock? Possessing stock in an organization means that you own stock with that company. You are invested, even […]
Reasons To Invest
Most people consider that an investment in the stock market is a method of obtaining goals to retire and nothing else. But this is very far from the truth. Many people invest in stocks looking more at the short term picture than the long term. The following examples should give you some inspiration in case […]
Stocks vs. Mutual Funds
Some may think the idea of comparing stocks to mutual funds a little odd, since mutual funds are commonly made up of stocks, bonds, or some combination of both; it is necessary to compare the two when it comes to choosing which is best for your financial future. Below we will discuss some of the […]
Developing A Working Investment Strategy For An Economic Depression
When investing it is wise to remember that business cycles wax and wane. Recessions come and go and so do depressions. An often quoted fact is that if you had purchased a range of stocks on the New York Stock Exchange the day before the 1929 market crash and held them for years you would […]