
Investing and the Tesla Short Squeeze

Tesla is on a tear with the stock price up nearly three-fold in the last year. While some see this as a vindication of their faith in Tesla over the years, others see the most recent surge in Tesla’s stock price as a classic short squeeze. While Tesla has been going up, many traders have shorted the stock in expectations of a substantial correction. When that has not happened, they have had to buy the more-expensive shares to cover their positions, this has driven the stock price even higher. Here are our thoughts on investing and the Tesla short squeeze.

Investing […]

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Best Investments in Solar Energy

There are several reasons why solar energy is going to be an increasingly important part of the total energy picture for the foreseeable future. Climate and pollution issues are driving energy production away from fossil fuels and toward clean, renewable energy. Across the world, the middle class is growing and with it the demand for more energy. Meanwhile the technologies involved in industrial scale manufacturing of solar products are becoming faster, more efficient, and cheaper. The best investments in solar energy will be in those companies that best use these factors to generate […]

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