successful investing
Simple Steps to Successful Investing
There are many times in life when the “KISS” approach is the best. (KISS = keep it simple, stupid!) Successful investing is one of them. The vast majority of investors have a “day job.” That is to say, they work at something other than managing their investment portfolio. That means that most of us need to follow a few simple steps to successful investing.
Simple Steps to Successful Investing
Take advantage of 401K’s, IRAs, and other tax deferred investment vehicles
Invest in your home
Pay off credit card debt before any other significant investing
Keep your investment vehicles simple
IRA’s and 401 K’s
An IRA is an […]
Is Successful Investing Predictable?
Successful investing and trading boils down to predictability. There are many markets that are predictable for short and long periods of time, but it’s difficult to know how long such predictability will last. Cutting Edge Tools Help You Take the Guesswork Out of Trading Many would say that BP plc (BP)’s continued decline in the […]