return on investment
What Stocks Made the Most Money over the Long Term?
If you are into investing for the long haul you ought to look at what stocks made the most money over the long term. In this regard an article in Yahoo Finance is useful. It turns out that just 14 stocks are responsible for 20% of all stock market gains since 1924.
In what truly is one of the most amazing statistics to ever come across our desks here at 24/7 Wall St., we recently saw a chart that showed that just 14 stocks have created 20% of all stock market gains in dollars since 1924. That is a phenomenal figure, […]
How Much Money Do You Need to Make a Living Investing?
One of the reasons we invest is that eventually we won’t need to work. Many people aim for a retirement in which investment income covers living expenses. If you are really good at investing that day may come sooner. Which brings up the question, how much money do you need to make a living investing? And that gives rise to the questions how much money you need to live on and how fast your investments grow. The Simple Dollar writes about when your investment income covers your living expenses. They talk about the cross over point.
The crossover point is the […]
How Do Stocks Make Money for Investors?
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This article is aimed at the millennials who are not sure about stock investing or the future in general. Asking how do stocks make money for investors is a good place to […]
Intrinsic Value of Stock
Successful long term investors consider the intrinsic value of stock before buying and when deciding to sell. This approach to stock investing goes back to the black days following the 1929 stock market crash which ushered in the Great Depression. Benjamin Graham taught investors that they did not need to play the market as though […]