falling stock prices

Why Is Harley Davidson Moving Production Out of the USA?

Who would have thought? Harley Davidson, an American icon, is going to build motorcycles outside of America! Why is Harley Davidson moving production facilities out of the USA? As the Trump trade war between the USA and everyone else ramps up Harley Davidson is looking at Europe where they sell about 40,000 bikes a year. This is second only to their sales in the USA. Harley would be an obvious target for tariffs by the EU. It is an iconic American brand and it started in a state, Wisconsin, that voted for Donald Trump. Harley Davidson is looking to remain […]

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Rush to Buy Bonds

The stock market seems ready to fall and there is a rush to buy bonds. Bloomberg reports that bonds jump up in price as stocks slip. FREE MASTERCLASS: 3 Secrets to Make Your Money Work for You! “It’s a lot of little factors here that add up to one big mess, frankly,” said Michael Block, […]

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