The United States military is preparing for threats related to global warming. Recently published scientific reports tell us that huge glaciers are calving off of the Antarctic ice shelf which could raise sea levels by four feet in a generation and eventually by twenty feet, endangering coastal populations around the world. Tribes in the sub-Sahara are fighting to the death over rights to water sources that are drying up. Our focus in this regard is global warming investment. Terrible things may indeed happen due to climate change but the world will go on. Those who adapt, invest wisely and prepare for the future will prosper. Successful global warming investment will require both a defensive and an offensive posture. If you believe that your coastal business or home will be at risk it might be a good idea to sell before that becomes apparent to everyone else. And if you catch a glimpse of a technology that will help protect coastal areas, support military efforts to maintain peace, bring water to dry regions of the earth, and purify dwindling supplies of clean water now is the time to invest in the future. The fundamental analysis of global warming investment starts with sorting out the facts from the hype.
How Much Water is Trapped in Glacial Ice?
Ninety percent of glacial ice is in Antarctica and ten percent is atop Greenland. According to the United States Geologic Survey, glacial ice comprises 1.7 percent of all water on earth but two thirds of all fresh water. Total global water is about 332 million cubic miles. Glacial water is about 5.7 million cubic miles. During the last ice age when glaciers extended across North America and Eurasia, sea levels were 400 feet lower than today. During the age of the dinosaurs 100 million years ago sea levels were as much as 165 feet higher than today and in the pre-glacial period 125,000 years ago sea levels were 18 feet higher than today. Sound estimates are that if all the glaciers on earth melted the sea would rise 230 feet!
The Energy of the Weather
El Niño is a weather phenomenon that recurs every several years and is due to temperature changes in the South Pacific. The extra energy that El Niño brings to the western shores of the Americas results in strong storms as far inland as the Midwest. Likewise such phenomena result in droughts in some areas while causing floods in others.
Human Reaction and Global Warming Investment
When water supplies dwindle in some areas the result is not just water rationing. There is political unrest and there can be violence. We see this in regions like the sub-Sahara as well as in Syria! Although we would like to see peace in Syria climate changes could lead to continuing unrest. The US military is taking all of this seriously and developing contingency plans. Those who want to make money along the way will pay attention and consider global warming investment, that is to say, investment in things that will make money and preserve capital if the worst global warming concerns are true and society must respond or melt down.
CO2 Reduction, Water Purification and Weapons Systems
The current argument on the political agenda is how to reduce CO2 emission from coal fired power plants. Whether that occurs this year, next or in a decade it will happen and those who invest in the winning technology will profit. There is already technology in use in Saudi Arabia to purify salt water for drinking and irrigation. Making this technology useful for the broader world will be profitable and it’s a good way to approach global warming investment. Lastly, the major world powers will likely have to deal with an increasingly unstable world and those who invest in surveillance systems like drones or advanced communications systems and weapons will likely make money. As always do your own homework before investing and if you want to make money investing stick to things that you have studied and understand.