crypto trading and investing

Sending Money Back to Venezuela With Crypto

Nevertheless, sending money back home to Venezuela with crypto has become increasingly popular with the Venezuela diaspora created by a non-democratic government whose sole skill set seems to be one of robbing the country of its wealth and driving more than seven million of its citizens out of the country and creating 2,000,000% yearly inflation which has only recently improved to about 20% a year.

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Are Crypto Points Worthwhile or a Gimmick?

These points are earned via specified transactions such as purchasing benefits, services, or goods using a specific cryptocurrency. So, like Gold Bond Stamps, are crypto points worthwhile or a gimmick meant to ensnare more unwary folks into parting with their hard earned money?

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What Is Bitcoin’s Correlation with Tech Stocks?

More often than not it seems that Bitcoin’s price moves up and down in tandem with the Nasdaq market in general and specifically with tech stocks. What is Bitcoin’s correlation with tech stocks?

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Trust Is Returning to the Crypto World

What we are seeing is that trust is returning to the crypto world and this, we believe, is a necessary feature if the current crypto boom is not just going to fizzle out and die.

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How Bitcoin Miners Are Making More Money

How Bitcoin miners are making more money has to do with the frenzy for meme coins and NFTs.

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What Happens to Bitcoin If Interest Rates Go Up?

Bitcoin has been going up and one of the drivers of its price has been the assumption that rate decreases are coming this year. What happens to Bitcoin if interest rates go up instead of down in 2024?

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